Identifying Opportunities for Innovation
Learn how to identify opportunities for innovation by identifying problems, rapidly generating potential solutions, and employing strategies to increase their value and viability.
Introduction to the World of Biomedical I&E
Introduces the world of biomedical innovation and entrepreneurship. Topics covered include the link between ideas and intellectual property, innovating within institutions, unique challenges for life science innovators, iterative de-risking, the “fast fail,” and funding.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in I&E
Learn about the four Ps of diversity, equity and inclusion – Purpose, People, Place, and Practice – and the strategies you can use to create a diverse, equitable, and inclusive organization.
Fishing for Customers
Expands upon Validating Your Innovation, and provides additional tools and guidance to help you identify, engage with, and secure paying customers.
Selling Your Innovation
Learn how to further refine your vision of the future and recruit others to to believe in and champion your cause.
Ethics in Biomedical I&E
Learn to face the unique challenges biomedical innovators face that are not easily resolved through traditional business or medical ethical frameworks.
Validating Your Innovation
Build on the ideas generated in the Identifying Opportunities nanocourse to validate (or invalidate) the underlying assumptions associated with your innovation.
Building Effective Teams
Identify the skills and capabilities needed on a team, how to recruit them to your cause, and ensure that they will work together to bring your vision to fruition.
Survive and Thrive as an Innovator
Improve your psychological well-being, including self-esteem, gratitude, the mind-body connection, physical activity, emotional intelligence, and resilience.